Saturday, December 24, 2016

Kazuma's Alliance Quest Guide

Alliance Quest – What champions to bring and fight tutorial(Please note this is my personal opinion and AQ can be done with any champion)
When doing AQ the trick is to take very minimal damage or regenerate as much health as you can. Since the nature of AQ is clearing to the very end.

For me personally I would take in 2 champions specifically for clearing nodes, those who are used to doing AQ can usually get this done with just 1 champion.

For example I use my Doctor Strange to clear and regenerate health. I use my Vision to fight any nodes that have bleed or poison and my Thor is strictly only for bosses.

The following champions are great for clearing:

Doctor Strange – He is great when he is either duped or not. Regenerates health and mitigates damage. With Dr. Strange the play style is a little slower paced then the typical all out. Since he cycles through 3 different buffs he can essentially do it all.
Here is a video tutorial for using Dr. Strange from the youtuberSeatin man of legends:

Scarlet Witch (Awakened) – She is unfortunately only great if she is duped. Regenerates health, power drains, power locks, stuns. She is my personal favorite champion. Her debuffs are some of the most insane in the game when she is awakened!
Here is a video tutorial for using Scarlet Witch from the youtuber Seatin man of legends:

Wolverine (Awakened) – He is great when only when he is duped. Wolverine has one of the best regenerations in the game and his bleed is good as well. With wolverine if you hold his specials and don’t use it, he will regenerate more health when his regen procs. The key is to use his specials to finish off the fight or at your own judgement but he is best when you hold the power bar.
Here is a video for using Wolverine, it’s not the best video but I think it showcases his regen:

Ironman and Superior Ironman and Iron Patriot (Awakened) – These champions are only good when duped. When your health drops below 15% (for Ironman and SIM) or 10% (for Iron Patriot) you will gain a regeneration buff. This is handy because every new fight can proc this regen so you can go into each node knowing that you have a regeneration available.

Ultron – He is great even when not duped. Ultron has 2 chances to proc regeneration. Once at 50% and the next at 25%. He will recover 25% health each time and this will work every new fight you go into. Also it is easy to heal him with a potion to get him right above the 75% or 50% mark then take a little damage and let his regeneration proc. Ultron also has a good bleed and stun abilities. Ultron is also poison and bleed immune which makes him great for the poison and bleed nodes.

Captain America and Captain America WW2 – Both are great even when not duped. Captain America is the best blocking champion in the game. He will take 0 damage or little to no damage while blocking. He is a slower paced champion but if played right you will take very minimal damage. The WW2 version also has a bleed so I feel he is slightly better than the original Capt.
Here is a video for using Captain America by the youtuberGrave Ender:

Guillotine (Awakened) – She is great when duped. Her awakened ability has the chance to life steal depending on the amount of souls she has. Her life steal is a little unreliable compared to the other champion but she makes up for it by doing high critical damage and bleed.

Original Deadpool (Awakened) – For those who are lucky to have this exclusive champion he is great when duped. Deadpoolhas the best regeneration is the game. Much like wolverine if you hold onto his power bars he will regenerate health. The only difference is that Deadpool’s regeneration effect is always on. Unfortunately this champion is very rare to obtain.

The following champions are good if you need to fight a poison or bleed node:

Poison immune – Ultron, Vision, Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Kamala Khan, Abomination, BlackboltRonin, She Hulk, Hulk, Red Hulk, Joe Fixit

Bleed immune – Ultron, Vision, Luke Cage, Colossus, Groot, Unstoppable Colossus, Ghost Rider

Please note that AQ can be done with any champion and all it does is takes practice, there are many great champions for different scenarios. Champion that crit a lot or bleed a lot can also be used to clear nodes if you are good at parrying and evading. Here are 2 videos on how to effectively parry and evade by the youtuber Dork Lessons:

As for boss nodes I usually take in class bonus champion or champions that can hit very hard. My personal favorite is Thor (Duped) but there are many champions. In reality and boss can be taken down with any champion all you need to do is practice and get used to the boss fights. It takes a lot of baiting of the specials and evading and damaging and repeating that process.
Here is a video on baiting specials from the youtuber Dork Lessons:

Video Tutorial for fighting Groot -
Practice by dueling the user – There is currently no user to practice on atm
Video Tutorial for fighting Kang -
Practice by dueling the user – Terrore Blu

If you have any questions you can message me and I will help you as much as I can, AQ just takes practice and can be done with any champion. This is guide is just my personal opinion.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Alliance Quest Battlegroups

Below are base alliance quest groups.  There are group numbers, and I have given them Marvel Team names.  Anyone not listed is free to join the group of their choice.  When grouping, I tried to consider past AQ performances, rating, and time zone.  This is NOT THE FINAL GROUPS.  Suggestions for additions, deletions, or trades should be submitted by group captain to me via in game PM or in the comment section of this post.  


Group 1, The Avengers:  Vanilla, Funny8one, Shawn, Crixtala, Ninjahakka

Group 2, The X-Men:  Shuki, Irona, BadSquirrel, Rotbardk , Shaviov, Idan Shmaya

Group 3, The Inhumans:  Rusty, Parker, Andershowen, Darealleo, Old#7

*Last Update 1/8/2017

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Preferred Defenders for Alliance War

The chart below shows which champions are better as Alliqmce War
Defenders.  Thanks to Kazuma for taking the time to create it.

Black BoltBeastDoctor StrangeAbominationAgent VenomCivil Warrior
Captain MarvelColossusDoctor VodooAnt-ManBlack Panther (Classic)Hulkbuster
DraxCyclops (Blue Team)Ghost RiderCaptian AmericaBlack Panther (Civil War)Iron Man
GamoraCyclops (New Xavier School)GuillotineCaptian America (WWII)Black WidowIron Patriot
GrootDeadpool (Classic)Iron Fist (Classic)ElectroCrossbonesKang the Conqueror
Ms. Marvel (Classic)Deadpool (X-Force)Iron Fist (Immortal)HulkDaredevil (Classic)Rocket Raccoon
Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)GambitJuggernautJoe FixitDaredevil (Netflix)Star-Lord
PhoenixMagneto (Classic)LokiLuke CageElektraUltron (Age of Ultron)
RonanMagneto (Marvel NOW)MagikQuakeFalconUltron (Classic)
Spider-Man (Symbiote)NightcrawlerMordoRed HulkHawkeyeVision (Age of Ultron)
Superior Iron ManOld Man LoganScarlet WitchRhinoKarnakVision (Classic)
ThanosRogueThor (Jane Foster)She-HulkMoon KnightWar Machine
ThorStormUnstoppable ColossusSpider-GwenPunisher
VenomWolverineSpider-Man (Classic)Winter Soldier
VenompoolWolverine (X-23)Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
AW DefenseAW DefenseAW DefenseAW DefenseAW DefenseAW Defense
BlackboltColossus (Duped)*Doctor StrangeAbomination (Duped)*Agent VenomCivil Warrior (Duped)
Drax (Duped)*Cyclops (Blue Team)Doctor Vodoo*Ant-Man (Duped)*Black Panther (Civil War)Hulkbuster (Duped)
Groot*Cyclops (New Xavier School)*Juggernaut (Duped)ElectroCrossbones (Duped)Iron Man (Duped)
PhoenixDeadpool (Classic) (Duped)*Magik (Duped)Hulk (Duped)HawkeyeIron Patriot (Duped)
Spider-Man (Symbiote)Deadpool (X-Force) (Duped)*MordoLuke Cage (Duped)Moon KnightKang the Conqueror
Superior Iron Man (Duped)*Magneto (Classic) (Duped)Unstoppable Colossus (Duped)Quake (Duped)Rocket Raccoon (Duped)
Thanos*Magneto (Marvel NOW) (Duped)Rhino*Ultron (Age of Ultron)
Venom*Nightcrawler*Rhino (Duped)*Ultron (Classic)
Venompool (Duped)Storm*Spider-Man (Classic) (Duped)Vision (Age of Ultron)
*Wolverine (Duped)*Spider-Man (Miles Morales)Vision (Classic)
Wolverine (X-23) (Duped)YellowjacketWar Machine
*Yellowjacket (Duped)
Any Heroes with a * is high
priority for defense. They are the
toughest to fight in AW

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sunday, May 1, 2016

4* Arena Basic Champ Schedule

4* Arena Basic Champ Schedule

Follow the above link to see the upcoming champions available in the 4* arena.  I deleted the previous post because this one will stay up to date.  Thanks to the author of this document.


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Arena Point Cutoff History

Arena Point Cutoff History

This guide will give you an idea of how many points you will need to win 4*s in the arena.

Synergy and Team Building App

Synergy and Team Building App

This web app is an excellent way to build teams and also has summaries for current and upcoming champions.  It's great for making arena, alliance quest and alliance wars teams.

Mastery Guide

Mastery Guide by RoninNupe

UPDATE:  This guide has been taken down by the author.  Below is a link to another guide.

Mav_Rck's Mastery Guide

Welcome to Team Awesome

Welcome to the Team Awesome blog.  My name is Parker Luck.  This blog will contain important resources for the Marvel Contest of Champions game in one location.  It will also showcase achievements of our members.  If you would like screenshots of your accomplishments included in the blog, please email the photos to  All information contained in this blog are properties of their creators.  We make no claim of ownership and will credit the creators if known.